Posts categorized "Posts tagged with "women""

The 4th Annual New York State Girls Championship was held November 23-24, hosted by Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School, located on NYC's Upper… Read More »
Congratulations to Rachael Li of Texas, who has broken the 2200 barrier at just nine years old to become the youngest female US Chess Master in...… Read More »
On Tuesday, November 19th at 4 ET, Women's Program Director Jennifer Shahade will team up with WFM Alexandra Botez against IM Anna Rudolf and...Read… Read More »
The SPICE Cup is a popular tournament for norm seekers, due to the large number of foreign IMs and GM who typically play. This year's edition was… Read More »
Tons of smiles and eager faces ready for the fun at the first Promoting to Queens event. WGM Tatev Abrahamyan, IM Annie Wang, WIM Sarah Lu, and six… Read More »
Carissa Yip 16-year-old Carissa Yip made history this week, by earning her final IM norm at the 2019 SPICE Cup/Benko Memorial. Carissa told CLO that… Read More »
Imagine stepping into an elementary school cafeteria just moments before a chess tournament begins to find the energy level high and the nervous...… Read More »
In the October edition of Ladies Knight, Jennifer Shahade speaks to IM Dorsa Derakshani about her childhood in Iran, her TED talk and what surprised… Read More »
A recent segment on a Philadelphia Public TV show, "You Oughta Know" showed the efforts of this year's "Chess City of the Year" to diversify chess...… Read More »