
  Image McKelvie, 1967 in Chess Life magazine… Read More »
first cover
All back-issues of Chess Life Kids — which began as School Mates in 1983 — are now available on our digital archives in… Read More »
Wednesday Workout
Thank you to everyone who has followed along with our daily bulletins covering the 2023 FIDE World Chess Championship. In honor of our new champion,… Read More »
Wednesday Workout
We published the first in an occasional series of reprints of important Soviet-era essays and articles in the April issue of Chess Life. It is a… Read More »
Wednesday Workout
For International Women's Day, we would like to honor the 17 women from Vera Menchik to Ju Wenjun who have held the title of Women's World Champion.… Read More »
correspondence chess
Update 10/10/2023: The family of Alex Dunne respectfully asks for your financial help in the wake of his untimely death this past January. Alex did… Read More »
Fischer Wins Interzonal, from Chess Life and Review, January 1971
Fifty years ago, history's greatest American chess player had begun his march to the World Chess Championship - and he almost missed the first step.
Lubomir Kavalek 1943-2021
The three-time US Chess Champion and Hall of Fame coach and author passed away January 18.
Walter Browne April 1974 Chess Life
Fabiano Caruana will return to the Tata Steel Chess Tournament as defending champ, but American victories in the event have been few and far between.
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