Just over a year ago, the directors and coaches of the top three collegiate chess programs in Texas, including Texas Tech University, the University...
February 2017

The First New York State Girls Team and Individual Championships was full of friendly faces. Girls said hello to each other, made jokes, and...

ST. LOUIS, February 21, 2017 - The Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis (CCSCSL), in cooperation with the Kasparov Chess Foundation (KCF)...

The “Good Faith Deposit” for official complaints submitted to the US Chess Ethics, Rules, TDCC and FIDE Events committees will increase from $25 to...

XcellChess Club, US Amateur Team West Champions In the summer of 2015 I started working with Bay Area Chess (BAC) as the head coach for a new and...

Searching for Fischey Bobber, Best Team Costume at the US Amateur Team North, Photo Betsy Dynako Zacate The ever-growing Amateur Team North realized a...

US Chess Seeks Assistant Editor in Publications Department The US Chess Federation is accepting applications for the position of Assistant Editor...

Miguel Fonseca, Yan Miellier, Dario Teodori, Vlad Yanovsky, US Amateur Team South Champions I am 99.99% sure that chess was brought to planet Earth by...

GM Irina Krush at the Saint Louis Chess Club This year New York State inaugurates another state chess championship-- the first New York State Girls...

Senior Master Cameron Wheeler receives his check from Mechanics’ Institute Executive Director Ralph Lewin with International Master Vince McCambridge...

Summer Chess Academy for Talented Youth: Warren Wang, Board 3, Jason Li, board 4, Ethan Li, Board 1, and Wesley Wang, Board 2 Photo Vanessa Sun Summer...

Contact: Jerry Nash FIDE Youth Events jnash@uschess.org Cell: 931-787-2756 (CROSSVILLE, TN) The United States Chess Federation is pleased to announce...