College Chess Information

College Chess News

Executive Board motion from August 2020: Suspend PanAm College Rule 5

By Mike Nietman - At the request of the College Chess Committee I move to suspend Rule 5 of the Pan-American Intercollegiate Team Chess Championships Official Tournament Rules for the fall 2020 and spring 2021 semesters.  Due to safety concerns as a result of COVID-19, colleges are permitting their students to take many, if not all, classes online. Consequently, many students will not meet the residence requirement this year.  This exemption does not apply to schools that are traditionally online-only institutions. This exemption is intended to apply to students who would, if not for reasons related to the coronavirus, meet the requirements of Rule 5.

Vote: 7-0

Pan-Am Intercollegiate Team Championship: 2021

Dates: January 3-6, 2021

Organizer: The Mechanics’ Institute

2019-2020 Pan Am Rules (passed in 2019)

Appendix A to 2019-2020 Pan Am Rules

Tournament Winners

Tournament Results

Pan-Am Intercollegiate Team Championship: 2022

2022 Pan-American Intercollegiate Championships, January 6-9
Washington Dulles Airport Marriott
45020 Aviation Drive
Dulles VA 20166-7506
(703) 471-9500
HR: $96 (Reservation link on Event website)


2021-2022 Pan Am Rules (as of November 9, 2021)
Event website:
Event contact:  Anand Dommalapati, Click here to show email address

Pan-Am Intercollegiate Team Championship: 2023

2023 Pan-American Intercollegiate Championships, January 5-8
Westin Seattle
1900 5th Ave
Seattle WA 98101
(206) 728-1000
HR: $149 (Reservation link on Event website)

2022-2023 Pan Am Rules (as of November 9, 2021)
Event contact: Click here to show email address