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"I think that SafeSport training is necessary. It’s vital. It’s important. It gives me as the adult — the coach, the parent, the educator — the opportunity to show that I’m a person someone can come to if they have any concerns. The little nuances in the SafeSport scenarios helped me understand that bullying or harassment is not simple. Sometimes I realized “I didn’t think about it like that,” even though I have 25 plus years of education and training and I’ve taken other trainings to be vetted for our school district.
I do like that you can apply the training everywhere. It’s not just for sports or for chess. It applies to other interactions that can occur: student to student or student to adults. And as a mom, I want my child or nieces or nephews or any of the children that I teach to be able to come to someone who has had a training like this.
— Ursula Byrd, Detroit area coach and Chess in Education committee member
Photo by Caroline King