CIE Charter

CIE Charter


The Chess in Education (CIE) Committee is a US Chess Executive Board (EB) appointed body formed to advise the EB on activities related to chess in education that look to assist teachers, schools, districts, and state boards of education with resources relevant to the use of chess as an educational tool.


Membership on the Committee will be approved by the EB. The Committee shall have between 9 and 13 members, and two Co-Chairs who will be approved by the EB. Members will be chosen based on their experience using chess as a tool in an educational setting or their experience integrating chess into curriculum. All members are appointed for 1-year terms.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Compile list of publicly available resources appropriate for in-class use at K-5, 6-8 and 9-12 levels. Appropriate resources shall include “how to play chess” information, as well as “how to integrate chess” into various subject areas (e.g., the use of chess when teaching a foreign language, history, geography, etc.). All resources shall align with national education standards. Provide links to resources that are also aligned with state and local standards, where known.
  • Develop a training framework for credentialing teachers who utilize chess as an educational tool.
  • Identify curricular program opportunities that utilize chess as an educational tool (e.g., chess pen pal classroom program to teach culture, language, history).
  • Curate credible research studies that link chess to various learning and social outcomes.
  • Facilitate a community of practice on the US Chess website that provides for knowledge exchange and best practices among chess in education practitioners, as well as space to share & discuss other timely topics.
  • Develop an advocacy toolkit to help schools implement and fund chess programs in schools.

Structure and Operation

  • The Co-Chairs are responsible for organizing and scheduling at least four (4) meetings of the Committee each year. The Co-Chairs shall provide all Committee members at least one week (7 days) of notice before scheduling a meeting. Both Co-Chairs preside over the meeting, and if one is absent, the remaining Co-Chair will preside.
  • All meetings must have an agenda, shared at least 3 days in advance of the meeting with all Committee members. When making motions, voting on matters, etc., the committee shall use Roberts Rules of Order.
  • The Co-Chairs can serve up to four consecutive years before taking a minimum 2-year break prior to serving as Co-Chair again.
  • Conflicts of interest among Committee members and the activities of the committee must be disclosed at the beginning of each committee year, with new conflicts disclosed at subsequent meetings.
  • The Committee will report quarterly to the Executive Board through its liaisons (either Board or Staff).
  • The Committee will host an annual virtual “Chess in Education Workshop” and will make a recommendation on the best time of the year to host that workshop. The US Chess Office will assist by providing a virtual conference link.
  • The Committee shall use a web portal provided by US Chess to perform its business.

September 2022