
The US Chess Federation (US Chess) is the official governing body and nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization for chess players and chess supporters in the United States. Our mission is to empower people, enrich lives, and enhance communities through chess. Our vision is that chess is recognized as an essential tool that is inclusive, benefits education and rehabilitation, and promotes recreation and friendly competition.

US Chess represents the United States in the World Chess Federation (FIDE), connecting our members to chess players around the world. Founded in 1939 with the merger of the American Chess Federation and the National Chess Federation, US Chess has grown to serve over 110,000 members and 1,300 affiliated chess clubs and organizations today.

Every year, US Chess sanctions and rates over 10,000 tournaments and over half a million games. We host over 25 National Championships and award titles to both amateurs and professionals, ranging from elementary school students to senior citizens.

Chess Enthusiasts estimate



Alisa Melekhina
"Chess played a dominant role in my life since I was six… also the age I took up ballet. Chess is discipline of the mind; ballet is discipline of the body."
— Alisa Melekhina
Yasser Seirawan
"The e-mail blast from Saint Louis Chess Club’s Executive Director, Tony Rich, seemed to be directed at everyone. But was it also really meant for me? The message requested that I pass a SafeSport online training. Moi? A lowly chess commentator? Why would I have to pass a SafeSport training? I’m no longer an athlete nor a coach — heck, I’m not even allowed into a playing hall. I wrote back to Tony asking for confirmation. Yep, as an employee of the Club, I, too, was required to be certified.  At that point I went through several stages all at once: Anger, resentment, outrage, acceptance, and finally, genuine interest.  I was told the training would last for 90 minutes. Not even close. Three hours was more like it. And much to my great surprise, I loved it! The training had “modules” that presented a scenario; I’d be asked about six questions beforehand, five of which I habitually got right. Invariably, I’d fail one, be annoyed, and then learn why my answer “might” have been wrong. (As you can guess, I didn’t always agree with the training!) Despite my misgivings, I learned a huge amount regarding … cyber-bullying. I completely missed the whole social media craze —just not my cup of tea — so I was utterly clueless. Now I was aghast by the things that athletes had to put up with. It was a real revelation. I took a lot of notes and carefully considered my answers as well as the scenarios presented as I went through the modules. A lot of careful thought and planning went into the training, and I found myself considering a variety of responses. In the end? I’m very happy that I went through the training. "
— GM Yasser Seirawan, chief commentator and spokesperson for the Saint Louis Chess Club
Austin Fuller, courtesy SLCC