Aging adults and US Chess count on each other.

While modern research substantiates the importance of mental and social activity for seniors, chess has been the loyal facilitator of both all along.

Playing chess is calisthenics for the mind. It actively engages the brain and has been shown to strengthen reasoning and retention in aging adults. Additional research has linked chess to lower rates of dementia in active players. Chess is also a social game. It offers a ready excuse to get together with others, and it can provide opportunities for tournament competition and travel as well.

But not only is chess good for seniors, seniors are good for chess.

Seniors remember Bobby Fischer and the 1972 World Championship match that captured the nation’s attention. They were there when chess moved to the forefront in popular culture, and they have comprised a significant demographic of US Chess membership through the years.

Their dependable, loyal support lends stability as we continue to evolve into an organization that welcomes everyone into the community, and their skills, experience, and wisdom remain fundamental to the identity of US Chess.

“A quite impressive body of evidence now supports the idea that challenging the brain sustains the brain.” ~DR. GERALD M. LEVITT