Gold and Silver Affiliates

Affiliated clubs and organizations are the greatest asset of US Chess. Without the hard work of the many people connected with our state and local clubs and associations, US Chess would have only a small fraction of our 90,000 members.

Regular affiliation, at $40 per year, includes the right to hold US Chess-rated tournaments, to take commissions on US Chess memberships sold, and to receive Chess Life and bi-monthly Chess Life Kids magazines by mail.

Gold and Silver Affiliates are able to do more for chess by making a higher level of financial commitment. This extra support brings organized chess to more people and helps achieve the long-sought goal of topping the 100,000 mark in US Chess membership. Gold and Silver Affiliates receive special recognition in Chess Life and on the website.

Now is the time for your organization's star to rise. Mail a Gold or Silver Affiliate payment with your contact information to: US Chess, Attn: Membership - Gold & Silver Affiliate Program, PO Box 775308, St. Louis, MO 63177, and see your affiliate shine.

Gold Affiliates

US Chess Gold Affiliate

Any affiliate that has submitted at least 50 US Chess memberships during the current or previous calendar year, or is the recognized State Affiliate, is eligible to become a Gold Affiliate. Gold Affiliates are honored in a special list in larger type in Chess Life each month, giving the affiliate name, address, phone number, e-mail address, and website. Gold Affiliation costs $350 per year, and existing affiliates may subtract $3 for each month remaining on their regular affiliation, or $20 for each month remaining on their Silver Affiliation. By paying $500 instead of $350, Gold Affiliate status may be obtained with no minimum requirement for memberships submitted.

Silver Affiliates

US Chess Silver Affiliate

Any affiliate that has submitted at least 25 US Chess memberships during the current or previous calendar year, or is the recognized State Affiliate, is eligible to become a Silver Affiliate. These affiliates will be recognized in a special list in Chess Life each month, giving the affiliate name, state, and choice of either phone number, e-mail address, or website. Silver Affiliation costs $150 per year, and existing affiliates may subtract $3 for each month remaining on their regular affiliation. Alternatively, for an annual payment of $250.00 (instead of $150), the requirement for a minimum number of US Chess members will be waived.