
Delegate information and resources

Click here for Information for the 2024 Annual Meeting in Norfolk, Virginia

2024-2025 Delegate Allocations by State

Resources for New Delegates

Link to the List of Current Delegates and Alternates

Guide for Writing Motions

Roberts Rules of Order Summary (4pgs) 

2023 State Delegate Allocations

For the date of the next Annual Delegates Meeting and to make reservations, locate the US Open tournament on the National Events page. The Annual Delegates Meeting is the final Saturday and Sunday of the US Open schedule. As we near the date of any given Delegates Meeting, a page will be created for it in the next section of this page.

Delegate Conflict of Interest Forms

Delegates are required to fill out one of the forms below for every meeting they attend as a delegate.

Delegates are encouraged to fill out the COI forms ahead of the meeting. If you have not filled one out ahead of time, you will be required to fill one out at the event before receiving your delegate packet and voting credential.

Information for Each Annual Delegates Meeting

2024 Special Delegates Meeting Information 

2023 Annual Meeting Information

2022 Annual Meeting Information

2022 Special Delegate Meeting Information

2021 Annual Meeting Information

2020 Special Delegate Meeting Information

2019  Annual Meeting Information

2018 Annual Meeting Information

For the deep archive of the delegate meeting minutes, visit the Governance Archives.