The US Chess Federation is seeking applications for the job of FIDE Ratings, Titles and Certifications Manager. Applicants must have: An Associate’s...
September 2016

The US Delegation in Khanty-Mansiysk, proudly sporting Two Sigma jackets. Gabriel Sam and David Peng are among the leaders of the US Chess delegation...

At last year’s U.S. Open, I had an eye-opening conversation about studying the opening with two friends. Between the three of us, we represented an...

A real Queen’s Gambit! A Smothered Mate! An endgame technique to create a passer (I’ll let you be surprised)! AND, an inspiring story line with top...

Thoune-Hajric, Photo Boyd Reed The U.S. Blind championship was won by Jim Thoune of Bowling Green, Kentucky, ahead of Al Pietrolungo of Pittsburgh...

“No no, the rook was on c8, can we show the replay?” IM Greg Shahade complains seconds after he loses to NM Rayan Taghizadeh after the finale of the...

Playing hall, Photo Anastasia Popova from official site After four rounds of the World Youth in Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia, the US squad has several...

2015 National Chess Day cake in Memphis, TN National Chess Day is coming up on October 8th, 2016! Two star-studded events will be going on over the...

The 2015 Girls Under 8 World Youth team, sporting Sigma Two uniforms (CROSSVILLE, TN) The United States Chess Federation is pleased to announce that...

From the World Youth Opening Ceremony, Photo official site. The World Youth Championship kicked off today in Khanty-Mansisysk, Russia with seven...

US Board one GM Fabiano Caruana © Lana Afandiyeva The United States made history with its victory in the 2016 Chess Olympiad held in Baku, Azerbaijan...

On Friday, September 23rd, at 7:30 p.m., the Dallas Chess Club will host Wayne Xiong, father of the 2016 World Junior Chess Champion Jeffery Xiong...