Congrats to Webster University's A team on winning the Pan American Championships in Columbus, Ohio with a score of 5.5-.5 Also qualifying for the...
December 2017

2017 Pan-American Tournament Hall in Columbus, Ohio, Photo Al Lawrence Big ratings don’t guarantee smooth sailing. This week the Convention Center in...

Accurately reflecting the rapid growth of chess strength in the northern California, the Bay Area Chess Winter Championship, the last BAC Championship...

US Chess has approved another electronic scoresheet device. The device is the, ChessNoteЯ by Black Mirror Studio, LLC. For information on all US Chess...

"It's always fun to play Magnus!" -Hikaru Nakamura

As US Chess wishes all of our members a Happy Holiday season, Grandmaster Pal Benko challenges you to a few festive problems. Get started with this...

Tim Just is a National Tournament Director, FIDE National Arbiter, and editor of the 5 th & 6 th edition of the US Chess Rulebook . He is also the...

For months, the US Chess Women’s Committee has been collecting data with surveys asking why girls quit chess, what they like about chess, and others...

"I started out really well, but before today I really couldn't have expected that I would win it. Everything had to go my way." -Fabiano Caruana

Jack Judy (left) and Aarush Ajith Watch our highlight reel from Greg Shahade's twitter coverage of the Kindergarten National Chess Championships held...

I would describe it as something of a cross between my all-time favorite chess book, “The Immortal Game: A History of Chess,” by David Shenk, and, say...

Top finishers in the fourth grade Championship are in a festive mood. Results are in from the K-12 National Grade Championships, held near Disney...