Lindsborg, Kansas once again welcomed the Girls State Championship this year. The event was held on March 26 at Karpov Chess School. Sheena Zheng...
March 2016

Photo courtesy of World Chess The Challenger Sergey Karjakin Final Score: 8.5 / 14 Performance Rating: 2855 Karjakin was severely underestimated...

Ruifeng Li, here pictured against Luke Harmon at the US Chess School IM Ruifeng Li scored an undefeated 7-2 at the 10 th Annual Philadelphia Open...

The Marshall Chess Club will host the Final Four of College Chess this weekend. Photo This weekend, the...

The US Chess group on passed the one-year milestone with online US Chess rated play over the weekend. The first week after the announcement...

The United States Chess School runs Online Training tournaments to help young players around the nation get regular competition against their peers in...

Photo courtesy of World Chess Sergey Karjakin prevailed in his game today against Fabiano Caruana to earn the right to challenge World Champion Magnus...

GM Alexander Shimanov, Photo The 2016 Mid-American Open saw no shortage of titled players, and...

The Moscow Candidates to determine a challenger to Magnus Carlsen comes down to the final round battle on Monday between GMs Sergey Karjakin and...

Contact: Mike Hoffpauir US Chess Scholastic Council Cell: 757-846-4805 (CROSSVILLE, TN) The United States Chess Federation (US...

Photo Tim Hanks Recently there have been many articles on the various mega-scholastic championships being held around the country. Rated, Oldest...

So far, the Candidates Tournament has been full of fight and excitement. Over the course of eleven rounds, there have been eight lead changes. With...