In the old days, the kickoff of the U.S. Open Chess Championship was, let’s say, a bit sleepy. Sure, there were grandmasters to ogle. But any boiling...
July 2017

The beautiful site of the 118th US Open, Photo Franc Guadalupe, US Chess Events Director As the US Open in Norfolk, Virginia approaches, top seeds...

GM Yuniesky Quesada Perez was the highest rated of the three GMs at 2696 USCF, and he played every game on board one en route to winning the...

Since this heritage tournament was originally founded and first held in Berkeley, CA, bringing it back to this location was extremely important...

Two Alexes reigned in Northfield, Minnesota, the site of the US Junior Open and US Senior Open from July 21-23. Our new US Senior Open Champion, Alex...

ST. LOUIS, July 24, 2017 - The Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis (CCSCSL), in cooperation with the Kasparov Chess Foundation (KCF), U.S...

GM Alex Yermolinsky The US Junior and Senior Opens are underway now in Northfield, Minnesota with 164 Juniors and 104 Seniors. After four rounds...

Results are in for the 2017 Executive Board Elections! Congratulations to Mike Nietman, Allen Priest, Hal Sprechman and Vakshmana Viswanath. The exact...

FM Alisa Melekhina is one of the top female players in the US, and won a gold medal representing the U.S. in the 2009 World Team Championships. In...

Back Row: Akira Nakada (that’s me), Andy Huang, Gus Huston, Wesley Wang, Aydin Turgut, Robert Shlyakhtenko, Eric Li, Emily Nguyen, Annie Wang, Evelyn...

In what is becoming a trend, the tournament broke attendance records, and the younger, non-GMs won the tournament.

This unexpected result left a wide open opportunity for Awonder Liang to clinch the championship, without even needing a playoff—if he could win his...