Finishing in clear first place, GM Vladimir Belous won the US Chess 2021 Grand Prix with 227.18 tournament points. GM Illia Nyzhnyk finished in second...
February 2022

The Official Statement of FIDE Council Today, on February 27, 2022, an extraordinary meeting of the FIDE Council was held on the current situation and...

See the US Chess Executive Board statement about Ukraine by clicking here. The US Chess community is concerned about our family of Ukrainian chess...

This month Chess Underground sits down with IM Kostya Kavutskiy of ChessDojo, taking a deep dive into chess coaching, improvement, streaming, and much...

Update on 2/26: Do you want to offer direct help? US Chess has established a GoFundMe campaign to assist suffering Ukrainian chess players. The...

NOTE: The d eadline for submitting applications is Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. PST. If you are a high school junior or senior looking for...

Of late we are seeing numerous opening repertoire books and electronic products by strong players. Most of these recommend variations within a...

Chess expert, Stanford grad, and NYU Law Student Rochelle Ballantyne joins Jennifer Shahade and US Chess Women's girls class about building a big...

Are you new to US Chess? Make sure to check out our informational hub for new members here: This page...

Don’t call it a comeback. He’s been here for years. GM Hikaru Nakamura capped off a stunning run in the first leg of the 2022 FIDE Grand Prix with a...

The US Chess office will be closed on Monday, Feb. 21, in recognition of the Presidents Day holiday. We will reopen on Tuesday, Feb. 22 at 8 a.m. CT.

This month, Jennifer Shahade welcomes a chess champion, friend and leader to Ladies Knight: Martha Fierro of Ecuador. Martha is a woman with many...