Team USA members: Katerina Nemcova, Sabina Foisor, Jennifer Yu and Akshita Gorti with team coach Melik Khachiyan. The Women’s World Team Championship...
June 2017

The July 2017 Chess Life Magazine cover This compilation by Dr. Alexey Root contains Chess Life and Chess Life & Review mentions of Arthur Bisguier...

This past Father’s Day, there were numerous chess tournaments held around the country, and what better way for a Father/Daughter to spend time than...

As the deadline approaches to "Tell Your Chess Story", be inspired by top players and influencers who have shared their own stories with US Chess...

The latest edition of the recurring Bay Area Chess Championship series was held June 16-18 and directed by NTD, IA John McCumiskey. The tournament...

FLORIDA (USA) - On June 27th, 2017 members of the FIDE Social Action Commission, Beatriz Marinello, Chair; Robert Katende, General Secretary; Guy...

In 1977, inspiration struck. Dr. Robert Ferguson, an avid player and chess philanthropist started Castle Chess Camp in Bradford, Pennsylvania.

When most people think of the World Open they naturally think of the main event – the 9 round Swiss that ends July 4th weekend. However, the World...

Closing Ceremony, The Chinese team won the 2017 World Team Chess Championship held June 17-26 in Khanty Mansiysk, Russia in...

Annie Wang, Photo Anna Volkova from 2016 World Youth, sporting Two Sigma jacket The 2017 National Girls Tournament of Champions, a six round...

Craig Hilby will be a top seed at the Denker tournament of High School Champions. Here he is pictured at the 2016 World Cadet Championships, held in...

Vice-President of US Chess Federation ,Chuck Unruh, and NM Advait Patel Oklahoma chess prodigy 14-year-old National chess Master (NM) Advait Patel...