Posts categorized "Podcast"

Author’s note: I had the chance to see a sold-out performance of Kevin James Doyle’s show After Endgame on February 14 at the SoHo Playhouse in...
Welcome to June 2024 edition of One Move at a Time, the show where we highlight people and organizations that are advancing our US Chess mission...
On a special collaborative episode of Ladies Knight, Jennifer and Ben Johnson, host of the Perpetual Podcast, recap the recently concluded Women’s...
Welcome to July 2023 edition of One Move at a Time, the show where we highlight people and organizations that are advancing our US Chess mission...
Strange chess scandals, toilets with threatening auras, the conclusion of "Beadgate," and a brief tip of the hat to Danny DeVito.
Jennifer welcomes Bernice Wambui Gikandi to Ladies Knight. Bernice, at just 12 years old, is a rising star on and off the board. She’s the Global...
Welcome to One Move at a Time, the show where we highlight people and organizations that are advancing our US Chess mission statement to Empower...
Ding Stans, large wildlife, poker binges and general ennui. In the May episode of "Chess Underground," Pete and Gopal finally tackle the 2023 World...
Welcome to One Move at a Time, the show where we highlight people and organizations that are advancing our US Chess mission statement to Empower...
Jennifer Shahade welcomes Megan Chen to Ladies Knight. Megan is currently on a great American quest to play US rated chess in every state.