Ladies Knight

NM Laura Smith, Forcing Moves Flyer for Aug 12, 10 AM ET
On Saturday, August 12 at 10 AM ET, NM Laura Smith will speak to the US Chess cross-cultural girls club on Forcing Moves, also the topic of her… Read More »
On a special collaborative episode of Ladies Knight, Jennifer and Ben Johnson, host of the Perpetual Podcast, recap the recently concluded… Read More »
Bernice Wambui, staring intently at chess board
Jennifer welcomes Bernice Wambui Gikandi to Ladies Knight. Bernice, at just 12 years old, is a rising star on and off the board. She’s the Global… Read More »
Yanjaa Wintersoul in the mountains
Jennifer invites a very special guest to Ladies Knight: International Memory Grandmaster, Yanjaa Wintersoul. Yanjaa, the first woman to become a… Read More »
Megan Chen about to move a black knight
Jennifer Shahade welcomes Megan Chen to Ladies Knight. Megan is currently on a great American quest to play US rated chess in every state.
Isabelle Choko and Jennifer Shahade in Paris, Photo Chandler Toffa
Ladies Knight host Jennifer Shahade had the opportunity this Winter to meet an epic guest: Holocaust Survivor and 1956 French Women’s Chess Champion… Read More »
Kala with trophies
Our 50th Ladies Knight guest is Kalanithi “Kala” Kanapathy-Bagley, the founder of the Discovery Chess Academy and a member of US Chess Women’s… Read More »
Photo of Mariah McGreen and Maya Myers
Jennifer Shahade brings Senior Tournament Director and four-time All Girls Nationals Team champ Maya Myers to Ladies Knight. In 2022, Myers became… Read More »
Jennifer Shahade with Laurel Aronian in Saint Louis
Jennifer Shahade welcomes high-school sophomore Laurel Aronian to Ladies Knight. Laurel is a president of her high school chess team, St. Luke's, and… Read More »
Ladies Knight August 2022
his month, Jennifer welcomes Tatia Skhirtladze, the director and producer of Glory to the Queen, a documentary film exploring the outstanding success… Read More »
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