Posts categorized "Posts tagged with "women""

Welcome to the October 2019 edition of “One Move at a Time,” the US Chess podcast in which Dan Lucas, the Senior Director of Strategic Communication… Read More »
I recently had the chance to travel to the West Coast for two events a week apart. My first event (August 16-20) was an all-woman IM norm round robin… Read More »
US Chess is delighted to share our new video, the Magic of Chess, which premiered last week on The Atlantic's website. The video features children...… Read More »
In her first tournament back after a two year layoff, Humpy Koneru won the 2019 Skolkovo Women’s Grand Prix with a score of 8/11, half a point ahead… Read More »
The event encouraged more girls to play and it made girls realize, ‘I can achieve the level that (Grandmaster Yifan Hou) she’s at.’ And that can...… Read More »
Humpy Koneru is alone in first place at the 2019 FIDE Grand Prix in Skolkovo, Russia, with two rounds to play. She defeated Valentina Gunina in today… Read More »
The September episode of Ladies Knight features International Master and commentator Daniel Rensch, known to many as the Chief Chess Officer at chess… Read More »
The 2019 FIDE Women’s Grand Prix series is underway in Skolkovo, Russia, with twelve of the world’s best female chess players competing for £80,000… Read More »
Carissa Yip rocketed up the rating charts and is now the #1 ranked female chessplayer in the U.S. just in time for her sixteenth birthday today...… Read More »
This is the first of a four-part series, "Back to the US Chess School", which gives readers an inside look into the elite training academies, held...… Read More »