Posts categorized "Posts tagged with "women""

Congratulations to Liran Zhou in the Open Under 12, and Alice Lee in the Girls Under 10, who both earned GOLD medals at the World Cadet Championships… Read More »
Alice Lee (Girls Under 10), Ruiyang Yan (Girls Under 12) and Liran Zhou (Open Under 12) are all leading their respective sections at the World Cadets… Read More »
The World Cadet is currently underway in China, with 75 players representing US Chess. Our top scorer so far is Liran Zhou, who has 5.5/6 in the Open… Read More »
Grandmaster Irina Krush didn't lose a single game in Berkeley. The seven-time US women's champion kicked off the Berkeley Summer IM Norm Tournament… Read More »
The August episode of Ladies Knight features Maureen Grimaud, chair of the US Chess Women's committee. Maureen is a vocal proponent and supporter of… Read More »
2019 TWCC participants (photo Louis A. Reed, Jr) Nicole Niemi and I both scored 3.5 of 4 at the 2019 Texas Women’s Chess Championship (TWCC). We each… Read More »
Ten women representing five countries (Argentina, Canada, Cuba, Mongolia and USA) are competing for FIDE norms in the Berkeley Chess School´s Summer… Read More »
An IM norm tournament (August 16-20) is underway at the Berkeley Chess Club with ten strong female competitors, including seven-time US Champion… Read More »
16-year-old Annie Wang won the Pan-American Under 20 Championship to secure a gold medal, IM title and GM norm. This article is now updated with… Read More »
Welcome to the August 2019 edition of “One Move at a Time,” the US Chess podcast in which we talk to people who are advancing the US Chess mission...… Read More »