Posts categorized "Posts tagged with "women""

Our US Chess Women twitch partnership with Alexandra Botez, has already raised thousands of dollars for women's programming, while generating great… Read More »
Welcome to the January 2020 edition of “One Move at a Time,” the US Chess podcast in which Dan Lucas, the Senior Director of Strategic Communication… Read More »
Aleksandra Goryachkina, Photo In round four of the Women’s World Championship (Jan 4-26) , reigning champ Ju Wenjun struck first blood, with… Read More »
Newly anointed IM Carissa Yip annotates round four, the first decisive game of the Women's World Championship (Jan 4-26), between Ju Wenjun and...… Read More »
Our US Chess Women partnership with WFM Alexandra Botez continues on January 11th with an exciting match between two exuberant WFMs. On January 11th… Read More »
The World Women’s Championship (January 4-26) kicked off in Shanghai, China with three fighting draws. In round four, reigning champ Wenjun Ju of...… Read More »
Happy New Year! It's been another big year for chess, and for US Chess. As we forge ahead in a new decade, let's take a look back to the most popular… Read More »
Jamaal Abul-Alim discusses his January 2020 cover story on U.S. Women's Champion WGM Jennifer Yu The January edition of “Cover Stories with Chess… Read More »
Play chess and meet former U.S. women’s chess champion Alexey Root as she signs her latest book, Prepare With Chess Strategy, on Saturday, January 11… Read More »
As the chess world ramps up for an exciting and competitive Women's World Championship match (January 5-26, Shanghai and Vladivostock), the chess...… Read More »