Posts categorized "Posts tagged with "women""

Grandmaster Humpy Koneru won clear first at the 2020 Cairns Cup with 6/9, taking home $45,000 for her victory. This continues a fantastic season for… Read More »
Anna Zatonskih is a four-time U.S. Women's Champion, winning the title in 2006, 2008, 2009, and 2011. For a decade, Zatonskih dominated the...Read… Read More »
In a dazzling upset, IM-elect Carissa Yip defeated Women's World Champion Ju Wenjun with the black pieces at the penultimate round of the Cairns Cup… Read More »
Alexandra Botez’s Saturday twitch series to benefit US Chess Women continues on Saturday, February 15th, 2020 at 4 PM ET with a hand and brain match… Read More »
Humpy Koneru grabbed a share of the lead in Round 6 of the 2020 Cairns Cup. Her win over Alexandra Kosteniuk leaves her at 4/6, tied with Ju Wenjun… Read More »
Play resumes Thursday after Wednesday's lone rest day at the 2020 Cairns Cup … which, as it turns out, wasn’t so restful for the players! World...… Read More »
Nana Dzagnidze leads the 2020 Cairns Cup at 2.5/3 after three rounds of play. Three players – Harika Dronavalli, Kateryna Lagno, and Mariya Muzychuk… Read More »
Humpy Koneru and Nana Dzagnidze got off to an early lead Friday at the first round of the 2020 Cairns Cup. Koneru won a brilliant positional game...… Read More »
The second annual Cairns Cup opened on February 6th, 2020 with a thrilling nine Grandmaster field, headlined by reigning World Champion Ju Wenjun...… Read More »
Alexandra Botez's Saturday twitch series to benefit US Chess Women continues on Saturday, February 8th, 2020 at 6:30 ET. As round two of the Cairns… Read More »