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With one round left at the U.S. Open, Grandmaster Alexander Shabalov leads with a scorching 8/8 score. FM Mike Klein weighs the odds of anyone...
Brilliant tactician and four-time US Champ Alexander Shabalov leads the US Open in clear first with a perfect 7/7. As the penultimate round looms...
Congratulations to Randy Bauer and Anjelina Belakovskaia, who were elected as at-large positions on the US Chess Executive Board, for terms of three…
FM Mike Klein catches up with the action at the US Open in Pheonix as the schedules merge tonight, with top seeds including GMs Bartlomiej Macieja… Read More »
Read about this year's Denker, Barber and National Girls Invitational champs, including Alex Velikanov's dramatic path to the win. Alex Velikanov The…
Results are in at the Denker, Barber and NGIT. Alexander Velikanov (WI) took clear first in the Denker while Advait Patel (OK) topped the Barber.… Read More »
FM Mike Klein covers round two of the US Open and a dramatic round three at the Scholastic Invitationals. Also read about John Michael Burke's...
As the calendar turned to August, the 116th U.S. Open opened Saturday night in Phoenix, Arizona with one "burning" question - will the temperature...
There were six medals waiting to be claimed at the North American Junior Chess Championship in Kitchener, Canada – five of them now belong to...
Cameron pulls out the win to become this year's Cadet Champion, earning a scholarship to University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC).
