Posts categorized "News"

Ian Rogers analyzes Americans in round two of the World Cup in Baku, as our top three Grandmasters Nakamura, Caruana and So advance to round three.… Read More »
The US team scored a perfect 4/5 in round two, game 1 at the World Cup in Baku. The five Americans who advanced mathematically couldn't score more...… Read More »
GM Ian Rogers reports on Americans in round 1 of the World Cup in Baku, pinpointing some key games like Nakamura's round 1 demolition & Shankland… Read More »
Hikaru Nakamura, Fabiano Caruana, Wesley So and Sam Shankland all advanced to round two of the World Cup while Alexander Onischuk and Sam Sevian head… Read More »
Nine-year-old Max Lu (CT) became the youngest US Chess Master at a quad in Scarsdale last week, beating the record previously held by Awonder Liang… Read More »
In the first game of round 1 matches, our Americans scored 5.5/9. Highlights included a stalemate hold by GM Sevian over GM Radjabov and a win by...… Read More »
Michael Khodarkovsky US Chess Delegate to FIDE reports on the FIDE Chess Congress in Abu Dhabi , and the reaction to a proposal to endorse Kirsan...… Read More »
American GMs Hikaru Nakamura, Fabiano Caruana and Wesley So are among the top seeds in the World Cup in Baku. See who our nine American GMs face in… Read More »
IM Aleksandr Ostrovskiy earned his second New York State Championship title this weekend, and annotates his favorite game for US Chess readers.Read… Read More »
Magesh Panchanathan won the New Jersey Open title over Labor Day weekend. The event featured ten GMs and four IMs.Read More »