Posts categorized "News"

The tenth annual transatlantic match between UT Dallas and University of Belgrade goes down on Friday, November 6th. The match features six GMs on… Read More »
Find a gallery of photos by Jeff Smith from the US Open in Phoenix, AZ.Read More »
The US Chess Federation (US Chess) is accepting applications for the position of Editorial Assistant. This is a part-time position, average of 10...… Read More »
GM Ian Rogers writes about the pleasures of chess by train, a tournament which began in 2011. This year's edition was won by GM Lars Karlsson, while… Read More »
130 players from across the United States have arrived in Halkidiki, Greece, for the 2015 World Youth Chess Championships, October 24 - November 6...… Read More »
The largest World Youth delegation in US Chess history is arriving in Greece this weekend for ten days of intense competition.Read More »
In round 10 of the FIDE Women's Grand Prix in Monaco, the favorite and tournament leader, Yifan Hou, faced off against one of her top competitors...… Read More »
GM Cristian Chrila ruminates on the second edition of Millionaire Chess in Las Vegas, illustrated with beautiful portraits from David Llada and key… Read More »
In the October Check is in the Mail, Alex Dunne analyzes a game from the third World Correspondence Champion, Alberic O' Kelly (1911-1980), with a...… Read More »
Tate accepting his 2nd Armed Forces Championship title Brilliant tactician, International Master and 5-time Armed Forces Champion Emory Tate died on… Read More »