Posts categorized "News"

The coaches, in a rare moment of relaxation at the World Youth in Greece When the leaders of the federation toyed with the idea of opening the World… Read More »
The KCF is about Chess Education above all else The stage is set for the annual KCF gala – and a special one this year! It is hard to believe that...… Read More »
New York is one of the top chess states in the country but Central NY does not see that many strong tournaments. David A. Hater examines two recent… Read More »
(Crossville, TN) The United States Chess Federation (US Chess) is pleased to announce the 2016 All-America Chess Team sponsored by Trophies Plus.… Read More »
For many years, Hikaru Nakamura has been the undisputed highest ranked player in the country. He’s the reigning US Champion and has won the...Read… Read More »
At the 10th Annual TransAtlantic Cup, the usual speeches were given from both sides of the Atlantic. Two were a bit different. GM Ljubomir Ljubojevic… Read More »
GM Alejandro Ramirez writes about coaching the World Youth squad in Greece, highlighting the four players who came home with hardware.Read More »
More than 50 girls and leaders from around the Girl Scouts of Virginia Skyline Virginia Council (GSVSC) gathered in Charlottesville, Virginia on 17… Read More »
IM Nazi Paikidze took first in the Boardwalk Open on tiebreak in a tournament that David A. Hater writes was "full of tricks and treats."Read More »
As a chess teacher myself, I've often wondered: When should you start teaching endgame concepts to beginning students?Read More »