In the News

Few individuals have had as big an impact on the chess world as International Master Nikolay Minev who died on March 10, 2017, in Seattle, Washington… Read More »
Smith and Petesch met in round 4 with Smith in clear 1st at 3-0, leading the field by half point.Read More »
IM and PRO Chess League commissioner Greg Shahade contributes his annual blunt predictions on the US Chess Championships, coming up in Saint Louis...… Read More »
The 2017 University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley's Spring Break IM-norm tournament is currently underway in Brownsville, Texas. Follow along on the… Read More »
Fischer v. Spassky. Kasparov v. Karpov. Caruana v. Finn. Some great rivalries are known to everyone in the chess world. Caruana-Finn is not, of… Read More »
Walter Shipman at the Mechanics’ Institute Chess Club of San Francisco in 2009. (Photo Richard Shorman) American chess has suffered a great loss with… Read More »
For more information, please contact: Kiley Herndon Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis (314) 283-7068… Read More »
Samir Alazawi, originally from Baghdad, Iraq, and now of Carmichael, California, has won the 2013 Electronic Knights Championship. Samir took a...… Read More »
This year's Women's World Championship in Tehran, Iran (February 10-March 4) was a site of both fierce chess and controversy. In an Open letter to...… Read More »
"Blundering your queen immediately is bad, not blundering your queen is good." Amateur player Eliot Rosenstock gives some insight and wisdom into how… Read More »
