Posts categorized "Top american players"

Jamaal Abul-Alim discusses his January 2020 cover story on U.S. Women's Champion WGM Jennifer Yu The January edition of “Cover Stories with Chess… Read More »
The final girls club of the year, held December 13-15 in Orlando, Florida at the National K-12 Championships, was a highlight to lead me into the...… Read More »
In the end, the only thing that could stop Magnus Carlsen was a tummy bug. courtesy STLCC; note that Nakamura scored 12 in the Blitz and not 11...… Read More »
There are countless chess variants, some enjoying more popularity than others, but none have gotten as much recent attention as the brainchild of...… Read More »
Congratulations to Rachael Li of Texas, who has broken the 2200 barrier at just nine years old to become the youngest female US Chess Master in...… Read More »
The SPICE Cup is a popular tournament for norm seekers, due to the large number of foreign IMs and GM who typically play. This year's edition was… Read More »
Abhi at the Bay Area International Photo David Llada Rising superstar Abhimanyu Mishra earned his third IM norm at the GM Maxim Academy Closed event… Read More »
It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. Wesley So lost in the online quarterfinals at, only to fight through the “losers bracket” to earn a… Read More »
The November 2019 edition of “Cover Stories with Chess Life” is now live! This monthly podcast, hosted by Senior Director of Strategic Communication… Read More »
So with FIDE officials at the awards ceremony. Photo by Maria Emelianova. At the Henie Onstad Kunstsenter art museum located close to Oslo, Norway,… Read More »