Posts categorized "International events"

Update: May 19, 2020 - EVENT CANCELED! Please note this event has been postponed to 2021! - Please view the cancelation article for more information… Read More »
Aleksandra Goryachkina, Photo In round four of the Women’s World Championship (Jan 4-26) , reigning champ Ju Wenjun struck first blood, with… Read More »
Newly anointed IM Carissa Yip annotates round four, the first decisive game of the Women's World Championship (Jan 4-26), between Ju Wenjun and...… Read More »
The World Women’s Championship (January 4-26) kicked off in Shanghai, China with three fighting draws. In round four, reigning champ Wenjun Ju of...… Read More »
Wenjun Ju vs. Aleksandra Goryachkina in the Women's Grand Prix The World Women's Championship (January 4-26) officially begins on January 5th in...… Read More »
So with FIDE officials at the awards ceremony. Photo by Maria Emelianova. At the Henie Onstad Kunstsenter art museum located close to Oslo, Norway,… Read More »
With $432,500 in prizes, and a coveted seat in the 2020 Candidates at stake, 154 players have made the trip to the Isle of Man for the 2019 FIDE… Read More »
Chris Bird. Photo courtesy of the Saint Louis Chess Campus Effective November 1, Christopher Bird joins US Chess as the FIDE Events Manager. Chris is… Read More »
Congratulations to Liran Zhou in the Open Under 12, and Alice Lee in the Girls Under 10, who both earned GOLD medals at the World Cadet Championships… Read More »
Alice Lee (Girls Under 10), Ruiyang Yan (Girls Under 12) and Liran Zhou (Open Under 12) are all leading their respective sections at the World Cadets… Read More »