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What stuck with me the most was the incredible energy that Tal brought to the chessboard. He saw opportunities for activity and the initiative in...… Read More »
While the chess world is focused on the Olympiad ongoing right now in Baku, the most important military team championship recently concluded in...… Read More »
Navara vs. Caruana The City of Winds is how Baku is known, a nickname that is well deserved; the harsh winds that go through the city can make… Read More »
GMs Fabiano Caruana and Fernando Peralta The Olympiad in Baku continues to produce exciting battles. Today we had good news and bad news for US Chess… Read More »
With the new school year starting, chess clubs and scholastics resume. Some countries, such as Armenia, have made chess a mandatory part of the...… Read More »
The opening ceremony in Baku, Photo David Llada The spectacular 2016 Olympiad has officially kicked off in Baku. There is no doubt that a humongous… Read More »
Philadelphia, PA – June 9, 2016 – Maccabi USA and Michael Weinstein, Overall Chess Chairman for the 20th World Maccabiah Games USA Organizing...Read… Read More »
The 48th edition of the Atlantic Open was held at the Crystal City Hilton from August 26th-28th. This tournament typically draws well and this year… Read More »
Check out a featurette featuring singer/songwriter/producer Alicia Keys and her new song “Back to Life,” which is featured in the upcoming film “… Read More »
On the weekend of August 12th-14th, Continental Chess Association held two different weekend swisses, one on each coast. On the West Coast, the...… Read More »
