Posts Tagged with "Women"

US Chess Women Logo
WIM Thalia Cervantes
National championship chess returns to the board in America’s Chess Capital on July 15 with the 2021 U.S. Juniors and Senior Championships. Read More…
Judy Kiragu and Dr. Philip Mwashe
In a special double-header, Jennifer interviews entrepreneur and organizer Judith Kiragu and chess patron Dr. Philip Mwashe on the origin story of… Read More »
One Move logo optimized for preview image
Welcome to the June 2021 edition of “One Move at a Time,” the US Chess podcast in which Dan Lucas, the Senior Director of Strategic Communication,… Read More »
Judit Polgar graphic
Grandmaster Judit Polgar, the top female chessplayer in history, will appear our US Chess Women girls club on June 3. The legendary champion is also… Read More »
Queens Festival Logo
The Global Women’s Online Chess Challenge “The Queens’ Festival”, will be a series of continental and global women’s online chess tournaments and… Read More »
Dr. Chanda Prescod-Weinstein
Jennifer Shahade welcomes theoretical physicist, author and chess enthusiast Dr. Chanda Prescod-Weinstein to Ladies Knight. Prescod-Weinstein’s new… Read More »
Yuanling Yuan on Beating a World Champion, promo for Girls Club Event
The US Chess Women girls club is continuing to provide an exciting and educational program of events. This week the club will host Canadian chess… Read More »
One Move logo optimized for preview image
Welcome to the May 2021 edition of “One Move at a Time,” the US Chess podcast in which Dan Lucas, the Senior Director of Strategic Communication,… Read More »
Goldman Sachs in the FIDE World Corporate Online Team Championships
FM Alisa Melekhina details her participation in several corporate team championships that moved online during the COVID-19 pandemic.Read More »
Dr. Alexey Root is looking for the following six games to complete her book, United States Women's Chess Champions. Two of the games were played in… Read More »
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