Posts categorized "Kids"

Atulya Vaidya, 2018 US Junior Open Champion Atulya Vaidya, 18, of Texas won clear first in the US Junior Open, held from June 22-24 in New Orleans...… Read More »
Erick Zhao was seeded #4 entering the tournament and had a great event, winning each one of his games and defeating seeds #1-3 seeds in the process.… Read More »
Kasparov went through every game, providing his insights and analysis as well as recommendations for improvement. Students also were tasked with...… Read More »
One of the most anticipated chess festivals of the year, the Las Vegas Chess Festival from June 20-24 kicks off today with the US Women's Open (June… Read More »
The first Charlotte Chess Festival (June 6 – 16, 2018) is in Charlotte, North Carolina, which was recently awarded “Chess City of the Year” by US...… Read More »
Perhaps, it was the heat wave that inflamed the 311 players who came out over Memorial Day Weekend to contest BayAreaChess’ Best of the West Class...… Read More »
Elementary National Championships, Photo Eric Rosen Are you a chess parent? Give us your input for a story by Jennifer Vallens in an upcoming issue… Read More »
Rochelle Wu, Photo Jim Doyle The Women's Western Regional Championship took place last weekend at the Berkeley Chess School with 49 players,… Read More »
The US Chess School in New York in session! Photos by USCS founder IM Greg Shahade Over the board, we search for time, harmony, and space. In New… Read More »
US Chess Executive Director Carol Meyer, Seth Talyansky and Sunil Weeramantry, Photo Robert McClelland COLUMBUS, OHIO: The 501(c)3 US Chess… Read More »