Posts categorized "Kids"

Kimberly Doo Kimberly Doo McVay is an active member of the US Chess Women's committee, as well as an organizer of this year's Charity Chess...Read… Read More »
David Peng, Photo IM Eric Rosen FM David Peng won clear first at the 2018 National High School Championship with an undefeated score of 6 ½ - ½. The… Read More »
After a dramatic playoff, 24-year-old Nazi Paikidze became our new US Women's Chess Champion. After 11 rounds of Classical chess, Paikidze was tied… Read More »
We have a champion at the Main Event of the K-12 National Championships in Columbus, Ohio. David Peng of Illinois scored 6.5/7 for clear first in the… Read More »
GM Sam Shankland, Photo IM Eric Rosen The stage is set or a thrilling Championship Sunday in Saint Louis as two players vie for the crown in each...… Read More »
Going into Championship weekend at the US Chess Championships in Saint Louis (April 17-30) two players hailing from California are in the clear lead… Read More »
Abhimanyu "Abhi" Mishra Abhimanyu "Abhi" Mishra made history this week, becoming the youngest US Chess master ever. And then he ate ice cream. Mishra… Read More »
Photo Jim Doyle As the High School Championships begin in Columbus, Ohio, bug and blitz tournaments welcomed hundreds of youngsters to a stunning...… Read More »
Jocelyn Chen makes a move at the All-Girls Nationals, Photo Betsy Dynako-Zacate The annual Kasparov Chess Foundation All Girls National Tournament… Read More »
In his best-selling book, Sapiens, Yuval Noah Harari, writes that the greatest resource in US are the brains of Silicon Valley. Perhaps one reason… Read More »