Posts categorized "Kids"

The 38th US Chess School, which Akira Nakada covered in one of the Top Articles of 2018 The 47th United States Chess School will be held in Glendale… Read More »
US Chess will be sending one official team to the upcoming 2018 FIDE World Youth U16 Olympiad – regulations can be seen here. This event is held in… Read More »
In an indication of the growing popularity and power of girls in chess, two eight-year-olds cracked the 2000 threshold in chess rating within one day… Read More »
Jennifer Shahade interviews FM Mike Klein of, now a three-time Chess Journalist of America of the Year (2012, 2015 and 2018), and this… Read More »
Back row: (left to right): Vyom Vidyarthi, Derek Wu, Rochelle Wu, Nastassja Matus, Adrian Kondakov, Robert Shlyakhtenko (for some reason I’m smiling… Read More »
US Chess would like to notify players of the upcoming North American Junior (U20) Chess Championship in Baja California, Mexico, November 16 - 21...… Read More »
GM Timur Gareyev, less than a month from becoming US Open champ, took first by a full point with a 5½ - ½ score.Read More »
At US Chess, the ratio of boys to girls in tournaments is 6 to 1. This means that more often than not, I can be the only girl (or one of the only...… Read More »
The 84th Annual Southwest Open took place on August 30 – September 3 in Irving, Texas. The event attracted 349 players who competed in six sections… Read More »
Christopher Yoo, at just age 11, won the Cal State Chess Championships, held in Northern California at the Berkeley Chess School over Labor Day...… Read More »