Chess: Portrait of Lisa Lane. Cover image. New York, NY 04/00/1961 Credit: John G. Zimmerman
This week, Sports Illustrated
featured a long read on women in chess, which centered around a 1961 Sports Illustrated cover of US Women's Chess Champion Lisa Lane. The article persuasively argued that more money and attention should be paid to women's chess, quoting numerous female chessplayers, including myself, 2017 US Women's Champion Sabina Foisor, and our
US Chess Women's committee chair Maureen Grimuad.
It’s a total and complete numbers game. What the women’s committee is trying to do is to grow the base- Maureen Grimaud
Maureen just got back from Orlando, where US Chess again featured a popular Girls' Room with events and analysis by Foisor, WIM Carolina Blanco and GM Elshan Moradiabadi.
Girls Club attendees with ED Carol Meyer
WIM Blanco and WGM Foisor give a simul
WIM Carolina Blanco, Kimberly Doo McVay, Sabina Foisor and Maureen Grimaud
The new Kindergarten co-champ Katherine Zhuge even stopped by!

Kimberly Doo McVay with Kindergarten co-champ Katherine Zhuge
Sports Illustrated also quoted me on women's events and the impetus for hosting them.
It’s supply and demand. If girls and women want to play in them, it means they’re having fun and they’re networking with other girls and they’re using their brains in amazing ways that, in this culture, women sometimes aren’t allowed—the chance to just engross themselves in an intellectual activity.
The article came out just after some exciting news from the Saint Louis Chess Club. In February 2019, the club will host the Cairns Cup, named after co-founder Dr. Jeanne Sinquefield, (nee Cairns), featuring ten of the top female players in the World.
Read the full Sports Illustrated article online.
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