Posts categorized "Administration"

Effective immediately, the US Chess Federation (US Chess) announces that the eNotate chess software, used by some players to record chess notation on… Read More »
Thanks to the hard work of the US Chess Clubs Committee and Executive Board liason Ryan Velez, we are pleased to announce the updated Guide to a...… Read More »
Chris Bird. Photo courtesy of the Saint Louis Chess Campus Effective November 1, Christopher Bird joins US Chess as the FIDE Events Manager. Chris is… Read More »
The Scholastic Council and the Executive Board have approved the 2019-2020 Scholastic Regulations. This year’s regulations can be found here...Read… Read More »
The deadline for applications to the FIDE Events Manager position has been extended to 5:00pm Central time, Monday, September 9.Read More »
US Chess seeks a FIDE Events Manager. This position is principally responsible for managing FIDE title applications, submitting FIDE event ratings...… Read More »
The US Chess webstore is back up. Thanks for your patience!Read More »
US Chess has introduced specially designed logos and a style guide for voluntary use by our various affiliates. This is being done to help keep US...… Read More »
The 2019 American Continental Championship will take place July 5 – 13 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Please see full information here. It is an 11 round… Read More »
US Chess is seeking bids for two of our national events: (1) 2019 US Chess Amateur Championship-West and (2) 2019 US Chess Amateur Championship-North… Read More »