Posts categorized "Administration"

Recent (and quasi-regular) outages of US Chess information technology (IT) services prompted me to offer a preview of our efforts to upgrade our US… Read More »
The 2020 U.S. Cadet (Invitational) Championship has been canceled and will not be rescheduled. This step has been taken by the event organizer, the… Read More »
To all US Chess Affiliates, Organizers and Tournament Directors: If you must cancel a tournament for which you had a Tournament Life Announcement (… Read More »
March 30, 2020 Update: Due to the current COVID-19 situation in the United States, the co-chairs of the Scholastic Council have decided to extend the… Read More »
UPDATE: As of 2 PM CST, full functionality has been restored. Portions of our website are experiencing an outage, apparently due to storms in...Read… Read More »
On March 25, 2020, the US Chess Executive Board passed the following motion 7-0: The Executive Board (EB) moves that all games submitted by… Read More »
Host hotel cancels event booking due to COVID-19 preparations The 2020 U.S. Junior Open and the 2020 U.S. Senior Open have been canceled and will not… Read More »
Beginning on March 25, US Chess staff in Crossville, Tennessee will be telecommuting with only limited access to the office building. With the rapid… Read More »
Tennessee Governor strongly discourages events of more than 250 people; US Chess must cancel event expected to draw up to 2,200 players For the first… Read More »
US Chess is announcing a revised fee structure for the cost of submitting FIDE rated events for rating. These fees are in addition to the regular...… Read More »