In the News

Michael Khodarkovsky US Chess Delegate to FIDE reports on the FIDE Chess Congress in Abu Dhabi , and the reaction to a proposal to endorse Kirsan...… Read More »
American GMs Hikaru Nakamura, Fabiano Caruana and Wesley So are among the top seeds in the World Cup in Baku. See who our nine American GMs face in… Read More »
IM Aleksandr Ostrovskiy earned his second New York State Championship title this weekend, and annotates his favorite game for US Chess readers.Read… Read More »
Magesh Panchanathan won the New Jersey Open title over Labor Day weekend. The event featured ten GMs and four IMs.Read More »
Walter Brown reports from the 86th FIDE Congress held in Abu Dhabi, UAE and on the Arbiters Commission as well as the Qualification Commission.Read… Read More »
Rex at Ultimate Moves, Photo Austin Fuller Are you recovering from Sinq Cup withdrawal? If so, we have just the remedy. Grandmaster Pal Benko, who...… Read More »
Check out a wrap-up of several summer Grand Prix tourneys hosted by Continental Chess, including the Atlantic Open, where GMs Sergey Erenburg, GM...… Read More »
GM Ian Rogers covers ten key lessons learned at the 2015 Sinquefield Cup, from "Chessplayers Just Wanna Have Fun" to "Aronian's hangover is over...… Read More »
Claudia Munoz details her experience at the Iowa Open, where IM Brooks, IM Young and NMs Menon and Demetrios Karagianis tied for first. Claudia also… Read More »
US Chess Events Director and FIDE Zonal President Franc Guadalupe reports on the 86th FIDE Congress is underway in Abu Dhabi, UAE.Read More »
