Posts categorized "Posts tagged with "women""

The US Chess national team won in OT for the second consecutive playoff match, and will play Russia in FIDE's Online Olympiad finals Wednesday.Read… Read More »
Welcome to the September 2021 edition of “One Move at a Time,” the US Chess podcast in which Dan Lucas, the Senior Director of Strategic… Read More »
Team USA beat Kazakhstan in a thrilling quarterfinal on Monday to become one of the final four teams in FIDE's 2021 Online Olympiad.Read More »
The US Chess national squad features a solid mix of its veteran guard and next-generation talent in FIDE's second online global team event.Read More »
The US Chess stars are two of seven Americans who qualified for successive FIDE events to be held later this year.Read More »
Ladies Knight welcomes Holocaust Survivor, author and 1956 French Women’s Chess champion, Isabelle Choko. Jennifer Shahade interviews Choko about her… Read More »
Members of our girls club have been active not only in studying and practicing the game, but also in writing about chess. One member, high school...… Read More »
Welcome to the August 2021 edition of “One Move at a Time,” the US Chess podcast in which Dan Lucas, the Senior Director of Strategic Communication… Read More »
Girls Club student Hrtha Rajiv breaks down five of her top memories from the Girls Club, from a Q+A with Judit Polgar to a team game with the Botez… Read More »
GM Aleksandr Lenderman is perfect through five in the traditional schedule, while another 150 players joined the fray in Cherry Hill on Thursday.Read… Read More »