Posts categorized "International events"

The XV Continental Chess Championship of the Americas 2022 will be held May 1-11, 2022 at the Best Western Hotel Terraza, San Salvador, El Salvador… Read More »
It’s back to Wijk.... err... work with the first big tournament of 2022. And — despite some COVID-enforced challenges — what a tournament it looks to… Read More »
GM Magnus Carlsen has retained his World Chess Championship on Friday after defeating challenger GM Ian Nepomniachtchi in the 11th game of their… Read More »
Faced with the choice to fight or regroup, GM Ian Nepomniachtchi chose the latter in the tenth game of the 2021 FIDE World Chess Championship. After… Read More »
It’s Sunday Funday indeed for GM Magnus Carlsen, who has won a second game at the 2021 FIDE World Championship to take a two-point lead (5-3) in the… Read More »
Both players were seeing sideways during Saturday's Game 7, the quickest played yet after a record 136-move decisive game on Friday night.Read More »
After five years, 19 games, and a record-shattering 136 moves, we have a decisive result in a World Chess Championship game. GM Magnus Carlsen...Read… Read More »
The World Champion's appearance was under scrutiny during Wednesday's fifth game of his title match against GM Ian Nepomniachtchi.Read More »
The fans are beginning to get restless. And so, perhaps, are the players. The fourth round of the 2021 World Chess Championship saw World Champion...… Read More »
The second-annual KCF University Cup will take place in February 2022 on the platform.Read More »