
Girls Club Draws Judit Polgar
Two heads are better than one, but if you’re facing off against one of the greatest attacking chess players in the world, wouldn’t a few more be… Read More »
One Move at a Time logo
Welcome to the February 2022 edition of “One Move at a Time,” the US Chess podcast in which Dan Lucas, the Senior Director of Strategic Communication… Read More »
GM Sergei Azarov is the 2020 Marshall Chess Club Online Champion
The 2020 Marshall Chess Club Championship was held online for the first time in the club's illustrious history. Read More »
Mechanics' Institute Library in San Francisco, CA
Traditionally held at the Mechanics’ Institute in downtown San Francisco, the Tuesday Night Marathon is unquestionably the longest running weekly… Read More »
Outdoor chess tournament at the Lincoln Square Chess Club.
In part two of her outdoor chess series, WIM Alexey Root profiles organizers in New York City, Chicago and Fremont, CA.Read More »
The Katowice Market Square in Poland features outdoor chess tournaments throughout the summer. (photo credit Olga Krzyzykk)
WIM Dr. Alexey Root looks at international outdoor chess and interviews Jeffrey Vollmer, who organizes US Chess-rated outdoor tournaments in St.… Read More »
On March 5, and with growing awareness of the coronavirus, the Marshall Chess Club’s Board of Governors unanimously decided to shut down the physical… Read More »
Welcome to the June 2020 edition of “One Move at a Time,” the US Chess podcast in which Dan Lucas, the Senior Director of Strategic Communication,… Read More »
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