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Gus Huston and Christopher Yoo sporting Two Sigma Jackets at the 2017 World Cadet. Yoo started off with a fantastic 5.5/6 and is now in clear first… Read More »
Ethan Li, Stony Brook University is conducting a brain MRI study of expert versus novice chess players and you can help. The benefits of chess… Read More »
The U.S. Masters has attracted many grandmasters to Greensboro, NC for years under the organization of Walter High, a former librarian who began...… Read More »
Liran Zhou. Photo courtesy of the Zhou family The World Cadet Championships are currently underway in Pocos de Caldas, Brazil (August 21-27). Our...… Read More »
Levon Aronian clinched clear 1st in the St. Louis Rapid and Blitz with a dominating 24.5 score, 3 points ahead of his closest competitors. Here are a… Read More »
Co-champs Yip and Li face off in the Cadet Championships. Their game was a draw. Photo Nina Patel Ben Li (MI), 15, and Carissa Yip (MA), 13, tied for… Read More »
Nine-year-old Liran Zhou crossed the 2200 threshold with his last round win at the Continental Open. That day, he was 9 years, 3 months, and 22 days… Read More »
Thanks to the over one hundred members who entered our Chess: A Game for Life promotion. We at US Chess were thrilled with the diversity and passion… Read More »
After 9 captivating rounds of rapid chess, Levon Aronian is the clear leader with 5 impressive victories.Read More »
Senior Master Mika Brattain started the Cleveland Open as the tournament’s top seed and played every game on board one scoring four wins and a quick… Read More »
