Posts categorized "Us chess press"
COLUMBIA, Mo. – While most kids his age were busy learning shapes and pedaling tricycles, 5-year-old Cristian Chirila was picking up his first pawn...
Magnus Carlsen, Photo Lennart Ootes Saint Louis, MO, February 7, 2019 – The Grand Chess Tour is pleased to confirm the names of the twelve players...
From left to right: Kimberly Doo McVay (member of US Chess Women’s Committee), Rex Sinquefield (co-founder, Saint Louis Chess Club), Carol B. Meyer...
FLOWER MOUND, TX Play chess and meet former U.S. women’s chess champion Alexey Root as she signs her latest book, Prepare With Chess Strategy, on...
The coach of the University of Texas at Dallas chess team, Rade Milovanovic, has announced that he will retire in January. Milovanovic joined the UT…
A preview for the HBO Real Sports episode can be viewed on YouTube. SAINT LOUIS (October 22, 2018) — REAL SPORTS WITH BRYANT GUMBEL, TV’s most-… Read More »
Isaak will be establishing the strategic framework for a robust development program to help fund the organization’s non-profit educational mission...
NEW ORLEANS, La., Oct. 13 - GM Pontus Carlsson is embarking on a new and ambitious program using chess to help underprivileged kids learn strategy… Read More »
Jennifer Pearson CROSSVILLE, TN: The US Chess Federation is pleased to announce the hiring of Jennifer Pearson for the newly-created position of...
The Frank P. Samford Jr. Chess Fellowship is pleased to announce its thirty-third consecutive annual award. The Fellowship was created by the late...