Posts categorized "Posts-tagged-with-"women""

Our recent series of "Class in Session" videos have featured a variety of instructional and inspiring topics starting with IM Greg Shahade's lesson… Read More »
US Chess Women announces a new forum for adult women (18+) to connect, learn and inspire each other via our new "Madwoman's Book Club", debuting on… Read More »
Grandmaster Irina Krush will appear in our Girls Club ZOOM on October 27, at 6:30 EDT to talk about her 8th US Championship title win. You can sign… Read More »
It has been a year unlike any in American history, but sometimes the old truism still rings true: the more things change, the more things stay the...… Read More »
With two rounds left, GM Irina Krush seeks the familiar title of America’s queen while two youngsters seek to pass the torch.Read More »
Halfway through, 7-time Women's Champion GM Irina Krush leads but is closely chased by three players including U.S. Junior Girls champ IM Carissa Yip… Read More »
The Los Angeles IM leads 11 of the best American female players in a quest for the national title, being held online this year by the Saint Louis...… Read More »
Jennifer interviews Robin and Sarah Ramson for the October edition of Ladies Knight podcast.Read More »
The Unruly Queens, a group of four talented young female chessplayers, are hosting a series of online chess tournaments and camps, kicking off with… Read More »
Seven tactical puzzles from the recently finished 2020 U.S. Junior Girls Championship.Read More »