Ladies Knight With Ella Papanek [PODCAST]

Ella Papanek, looking at two computers

US Chess expert and quant sports trader Ella Papanek joins Jennifer Shahade on Ladies Knight for a fascinating discussion. A recent graduate of Harvard University, Ella works at the Susquehana International Group (SIG), a global quantitative trading firm in the Philly area. Her interests span from chess to poker to sports, and of course- statistics, her major at Harvard. 

Jen and Ella's wide-ranging discussion touches on rating distribution and gender, evaluating chess positions from a human perspective, and the Philadelphia Sixers.  

SIG is a sponsor of US Chess, and recently supported the 2022 Pan-American Championship. If you want to find out more about their work, check out their website at and find out more about internship opportunities in their campus life brochure.

Discussed in the episode:

Angela Saini’s book, Inferior

Jennifer Shahade’s upcoming book, Chess Queens, now available at US Chess Sales

Daryl Morey and Jessica Gelman’s MIT Sports Analytics Conference

MIT Sports Analytics panel “Beyond the Gambit: Chess’ Big Move”

NFL Big Data Bowl:

Jen’s podcast episode with chess enthusiast Bill Chen, who also works at SIG

North American Corporate Chess League

Ladies Knight features music by the artist Juga. Love the podcast? Subscribe to us, review and share Ladies Knight on social media or with friends.
