Posts categorized "Posts tagged with "women""

July 24 Update: The streamer lineup has been modified since the original post. Please scroll down to see the current streamers and schedule! The five… Read More »
Our July Ladies Knight features 18-year-old IM Annie Wang, who captivated the chess world in 2018, when she nearly won the US Women's Championship at… Read More »
In our latest edition of "Class is In Session", FM and Reality Check Author Alisa Melekhina gave a stirring lecture to over 90 girls on her origin...… Read More »
On July 21st, four incredible young chessplayers and scholars will impart some wisdom and show how they successfully balanced chess and school. Set… Read More »
US Chess is sharing this Press Release from our friends at FIDE. If you have your own twist on celebrating #internationalchessday let us know that… Read More »
Author, FM and lawyer Alisa Melekhina will be the next guest in our weekly Girls Club Zoom sessions. This workshop, which is free to US Chess members… Read More »
WIM Ivette Garcia Morales will appear in our July 2nd, Thursday Girls Club class on Zoom and will teach both Spanish AND chess. This event, which is… Read More »
Our series of Girls Club Zoom classes continues with a lecture from IM Anna Rudolf on Thriving Under Pressure, set for Thursday June 25 at 6 PM EDT.… Read More »
Jennifer Shahade welcomes singer, songwriter and former scholastic chess champion, Linda Diaz on Ladies Knight.Read More »
US Chess Women is happy to announce online program stipends to support efforts to educate, retain and promote women and girls in chess. These… Read More »