Posts categorized "Posts tagged with "women""

The artist and singer Juga of will lead our next Thursday night ZOOM class for our girls club with an inspiring talk and Q+A on chess… Read More »
IM Dorsa Derakhshani will speak to our ZOOM girls club on August 27th at 6 PM EDT about the "Power of Preparation."Read More »
Check out a video of a lesson Women's Program Director Jen Shahade gave to Kenya Chess Girls, as part of a cross-cultural program that will teach...… Read More »
Grandmaster and seven-time US Women's Champion Irina Krush will be leading our August 20th ZOOM girls club at 6 PM EDT, where she'll go over some of… Read More »
On the August episode of Ladies Knight, Jennifer interviews author, chess teacher and speaker Lauren Goodkind. Goodkind is a popular Bay Area teacher… Read More »
US Chess Women is hosting another College & Chess Panel for girls aged 12-19 with four exceptional panelists slated to present and speak… Read More »
Laurel Aronian writes about attending the Girls Club classes on Zoom, taught by some of the top female players and personalities in the US, and the… Read More »
Women's Program Director Jennifer Shahade will lead our next Thursday night Girls Club class on chess and beautiful moves on August 6th at 6 PM EDT… Read More »
Streaming information updated on 07.30.2020 in the "How to Watch" section. The U.S. Open premier invitational events for state champions of all ages… Read More »
Katerina Nemcova shows her favorite topic "Forcing Moves" on our YouTube channel for everyone to enjoy. Jennifer also provides info on upcoming girls… Read More »