Posts categorized "News"

GM Hovhannes Gabuzyan scored an impressive 7 ½ out of 9 to win the 10th Annual Southwest Class Championship and take home $3200. GM Hovhannes… Read More »
Chess has been a tool of diplomacy for centuries. The first American Secretary of State, Thomas Jefferson, was an avid player, as were many of his...… Read More »
The March 2019 issue of Chess Life contains a review of GM Joel Benjamin's new book from New in Chess, Better Thinking, Better Chess: How a...Read… Read More »
At the invitation of Harry Sabine, Chief Teller for the 2019 Executive Board election, Missy Sliger of Missy Sliger Bookkeeping and Tax Services...… Read More »
For media inquiries related to US Chess, please contact our Senior Director of Strategic Communications, Dan Lucas. Dan can be reached at dlucas...… Read More »
On March 1st, 2019 US Chess unveiled its new US Chess Women logo. The logo is inspired by our main US Chess logo, but rendered in bold red and black… Read More »
With five days of rapid and blitz in the books, the Champions Showdown concluded on Sunday, February 24th. Only Fabiano Caruana had clinched match...… Read More »
A handful of last-round players are hunched over lower boards in the huge ballroom, like lonely hangers-on after a celebrity wedding reception. But… Read More »
Christopher Yoo, Photo David Llada at Bay Area Chess International The FRANK P. SAMFORD, JR. CHESS FELLOWSHIP, marking its thirty third annual award… Read More »
The Rapid portion of the Champions Showdown came to a close today at the Saint Louis Chess Club, marking the end of the first half of the event. Here… Read More »