Posts categorized "News"

Congratulations to the winners of the 2019 US Chess Annual Awards, presented Saturday at the US Chess Awards Luncheon.… Read More »
GM Illia Nyzhnyk leads the 2019 U.S. Open at 7/8 after a win last night over IM Daniel Fernandez. Eleven players (!) are a half-point behind at 6.5/8… Read More »
IM Kostya Kavutskiy will be presenting an annotated Game of the Day each day over the course of the 120th U.S. Open. Today, in fact, he presents two… Read More »
Everyone who has played a U.S. Open knows about “The Merge.” Trying to accommodate as many players as possible, US Chess offers three schedules for… Read More »
A group of eight U.S. Open players and family members made the short drive to the Lake Cane Tennis Center for the annual tennis event, braving the...… Read More »
IM Kostya Kavutskiy will be presenting an annotated Game of the Day each day over the course of the 120th U.S. Open. After missing yesterday due to… Read More »
With all playing three schedules now in full swing, the competition at the 120th U.S. Open is ramping up. At stake for the 350 competitors is a $40… Read More »
With today’s start of the 4-Day schedule, all Open players are now in the competition. The 4-Day schedule sees four games of G/60 action today...Read… Read More »
IM Kostya Kavutskiy will be presenting an annotated Game of the Day each day over the course of the 120th US Open. Today he analyzes a Round 6… Read More »
With the four Invitational tournaments completed, attention now turns to two events: US Chess organizational meetings and the US Open. Here’s how...… Read More »