Posts categorized "News"

Fabiano Caruana will return to the Tata Steel Chess Tournament as defending champ, but American victories in the event have been few and far between.… Read More »
Chess Life recently spoke to the legendary musician to hear his reflections on being a king on the chessboard, in music, and in life.Read More »
If Jazz is America’s first great cultural export to the world, hip-hop is its second, and perhaps most important. From its earliest days, emerging...… Read More »
American super-GM Hikaru Nakamura headlined a massive charity fundraiser during his performance in the Airthings Masters tournament.Read More »
The 2020 Marshall Chess Club Championship was held online for the first time in the club's illustrious history.Read More »
The marriage of over-the-board (OTB) wood pushing with the online universe produced a whole new set of unforeseen concerns—or unintended consequences… Read More »
“Hindsight is 2020” is a well-known phrase that captures the clarity that comes from contemplating life. The year 2020 gives this idiom even more...… Read More »
In a bonus episode of Ladies Knight we bring you William Horberg, the Executive Producer of The Queen’s Gambit. Horberg talks to Jennifer Shahade...… Read More »
US Chess Champion Wesley So is defending last month's win in World Champion Magnus Carlsen's online chess tour.Read More »
GM Michael Rohde picks out some special games from the first national event of the season.Read More »